The Ad Block of Sisyphus

What’s Missing From the “Why are you hiding this ad?” Pull-Down Menu

Ian Belknap
3 min readJan 6, 2024

In my escalating blood feud with the Zombie Horde of Intrusion-Weasels wedging themselves between me and the dog content I wish to be engaging with in my futile quest to distract me from the knowledge that we’ve entered the FINAL election year in this doomed republic, which hardly matters because said republic is situated on a planet we’ve turned into an eco-fricassee, my ONLY resolution this year is to spare myself the mercantile dick-slap of shit I don’t wish to see as completely (i.e. “not in the slightest”) as I’m able, I’d like to call the attention of social media Weasel Wranglers to what I regard as crucial missing pieces in their data-harvesting onslaught.

Presently, these are the “only” justifications one might conceivably have to the relentless skull-fucking we get at the hands of Intrusion-Weasels.
  1. It’s too capitalist
  2. It’s propagandistic
  3. It’s insulting
  4. I see too clearly
  5. It’s fear-mongering
  6. I’m not stupid enough for this
  7. Not only is it snake oil, you don’t even seem that interested in concealing this obvious fact
  8. I’m WAY too old for this
  9. I’d sooner fucking die
  10. How can you claim to know me, Algorithm, when you send this Tanning Bed Bleach-Toothed Hustle Monster to pitch to…



Ian Belknap

Founder WRITE CLUB. Essays, satire: Rumpus, Chicago Trib, Chicago Reader, American Theatre Mag, etc. Partner & I sold pilot to Sony-Tristar